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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 16 North Torrance



Frequently Asked Questions


What can I do to help make our AYSO Region better?

North Torrance AYSO 16 is run by volunteers. You can volunteer as a referee, coach, asst coach, serve on the board or in other volunteer capacity. Please go to the [Contact Us] link and send us an e-mail expressing your interest in volunteering.

What is included in the registration fees for FALL Soccer (Only)?

The registration fees you pay covers a full uniform (one jersey, one pair of shorts, and one pair of socks.)

When will I hear from my coach?


What does 6U, 8U…19U mean?

These are common terms used across globe to describe the age division of a team. The “U” stands for “Under” and the number stands for their age.  AYSO Core program uses 2 year age groups. For example, a 12U player is a player who is either 10 or 11 years old during the calendar year of the season.

I still have not heard from my coach, what now?

If by late August you have not heard from a coach, please contact Regional Coaching Administrator/Asst Coaching Administrator for assistance. Please also remember that if your contact information has changed since registering your child, your coach may not know how to reach you.

When does the season start and end?


Will all matches be on Saturdays?

For most age groups, all matches will be on Saturdays. Some 16U and older matches may be played on Sundays.

What equipment do I need to provide?

Your player should come to practice wearing shorts, shin guards, and soccer cleats (soccer shoes). The shin guards must be worn against the skin with soccer socks over them. Players should also bring their own water bottle. Some coaches may ask for the player to bring a soccer ball.

Where will my team practice?

North Torrance AYSO 16 uses Columbia Park as our central practice location, but your team may decide to practice at any other available field. The coach will generally pick the time and day(s).

When will my team practice?

Again, this is at the discretion of your coach. Most coaches will poll their families for a time and day(s) that work best for the maximum number of players.

What about carpooling?

All of us have busy lives and carpooling is encouraged between parents on the same team. For liability reasons, any parent transporting someone else’s children should have a letter in their glove-box specifying that they have permission to transport other family’s children.

How old do my kids need to be to start playing?

Kids need to be 3 years old in order to play.

When are games?

Most games are on Saturday usually between 8:00am and 4:00pm.  Some games for the older divisions will be on Sundays.

Do boys and girls play on the same team?

All the kids are separated into boys and girls divisions.

Where do I buy shin guards? Are they required?

Shin guards are available at most athletic and discount department stores. Shin guards with a hard plastic core are mandatory during games and practices.

What size soccer ball does by child play with?

8U and under — Size 3 ball
10U – 12U — Size 4 ball
14U and older — Size 5 ball

What about soccer cleats?

Players need to have cleats for all games (tennis shoes are OK for practices). When you buy cleats for your child, be sure to purchase soccer cleats (rubber cleats with no toe cleat) and not baseball or football cleats.

What if it rains on game day? Will we make up missed games?

We will try to play every scheduled game. If conditions are unsafe for play, the regional staff makes the final call on game day on cancel or play. A sign will be posted online stating any cancel games. Don’t assume that just because there is a little rain games are cancelled. Please always come by the field to make sure. Remember, kids have fun playing in the rain. Unfortunately we can’t make up cancelled games.

What about jewelry, casts, eyeglasses?

Hard casts and jewelry are not permitted on the soccer field, since they can be a safety hazards. Prescription glasses may be worn, but be sure they’re secured with an eyeglass holder.

What if my child has to miss a game or practice?

Since soccer is a team sport, the participation of players in games and practices is important for the success of the team. Coaches count on regular attendance at practice to teach skills and strategy. If your child must miss a practice or a game, please notify your coach ahead of time.

What can I expect as a first time coach of a younger team?

In the first game of the season expect all players on each team to huddle around the ball for forty minutes (see Newton’s Fourth Law of Physics: one soccer ball will attract and hold 10 six year olds in a tight mass which cannot be broken apart). You will become hoarse yelling for them to spread out, to no avail. By the last game of the season you should see them looking for teammates, making passes and scoring goals. This achievement will hook you on coaching AYSO soccer until your child goes away to college.

How can I help?

AYSO depends on volunteers. It’s an important part of the program. If you want to help or you have questions or concerns, please get in touch with a board member or contact us by email at [email protected]

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Contact Us

Ayso Region 16

PO Box 6890 
Torrance, California 90504

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 310-508-1616
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